Hello, hello, from the wonderful world of Denver!
Well, mostly wonderful. I've had some interesting experiences pedaling around Denver this week, and I think they're worth mentioning.
Let's start with the worst of them.
Yesterday, not half a block into my first ride of the day, some motherfucker nearly ruined my whole day. Here's the scenario: I'm riding uphill with another cyclist behind me. The first car to pass us leaves me approximately three inches of room as he goes by. ASS! So I flip him the bird. Naturally.
Apparently this was a mistake, as the driver of this car was either A: on PCP, B: extremely sensitive to being flipped off, or C: crazy as shit. He proceeded to stop his car, get OUT OF THE CAR, and yell obscenities at me while walking toward me in what can only be described as the "I'm gonna kill you now" gait.
Now, I've been called every single adjective this man shouted, but never while on a bike with a pedestrian coming after me. What did I do? I got out of there! See ya later, demon crackhead.
Enough of that nonsense. Let's get to the best experience I've had on a bike this week: having someone to ride with! While I do love to ride solo and go wherever I please, for whatever reason I please, it has been really, really nice to have a smiling face roll down the street next to me. Also, kisses at red lights are pretty awesome.
Onward now to one of my favorite things to see while riding around: people who smile back at you when you smile at them. Pedestrian, fellow cyclist, driver, whoever- it is always pleasant to have someone smile at you in passing. Plus, you never know whose day you might be changing just by smiling at them, whether they smile back or not.
Enough of biking, for now.
I've been shooting pool all over Denver this week, and it makes me happyyyy. I've really missed it. Sure, I played a few times while in Hawaii, but not very many, not in any sort of serious way, and always on a bar box. Which is fine, as I definitely met some amazing people while playing in Hawaii, but I have been missing playing on a full-size table.
So. That's been fun. Sheesh, maybe I should move on to something a little less boring and a little more amazing.
So there's this girl.
That's all you need to know. Until next time,
You stay classy, Denver.
A photo from a ride many months ago.
demon crackhead!