Sunday, August 12, 2012

Still the one

I should've been called out today.

I like to play a game called "That is NOT your bike." It's the perfect game to play in the neighborhood I live in, because you can play it often, and it's generally pretty funny. Old grey dude on a tiny pink bike? NOT your bike, dude.

I was that guy today. Riding a giant hybrid around that belongs to one of my friends, wearing daisy dukes, mohawk in full swing, singing along to the Led Zeppelin pouring out of my headphones, I felt awkward. Only because of the bike. I'm used to the Rodeo. I am not used to sitting high enough that I can actually see the traffic headed my way. (Em G, I am still so grateful for the bike loan! Your bike is incredibly easy to ride, and it helped make my day!)

Anyhoo, despite the size and awkwardness of the bike I was riding, I had a GREAT DAY. Rode from Lodo through Five Points, over to Capitol Hill, all through Baker and then back home to 22nd and Cali. It was a great ride through some of my favorite neighborhoods.

Got to see one of my favorite people today, and the cutest baby ever. Thank you, Steve's Snappin' Dogs for a delicious lunch (hot dog with NY onion sauce, yellow mustard and shredded cheese). And thanks, Z and K for a fabulous time. You know I love y'all.

Just have to throw this one out there: thanks Olympic Games for inducing one of the best and most effective power naps I have ever had.

My day is winding down now. It's my only day off for several days, and it feels nice to be relaxing. What a fabulous end to an amazing day.

Denver, you're still the one.

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